Thursday/Friday: Revision Day

Students have time today to revise and polish their final letters.  Here is a checklist for the peer review and an example of how to format the letter:

Here is a link to the Blue Planet Season 2 Finale which helped motivate people in Europe to ban single-use plastic:


  • Final Letter due in Google Classroom by the end of the day Friday

Wednesday: First Draft

Students are working on the first draft of their letters today.  Students will be using this resource to help format their letter: California Medication Association Op-Ed Template

Here are some reminders about the final letter:

Write a 300-500 word letter to a person or organization in power explaining the problem, your solution and asking for action. Use this format:

  • Paragraph 1: Opener (Explain the Problem)
  • Paragraph 2: The Body (Explain Solution – this may be more than 1 paragraph)
  • Paragraph 3: Call to Action (Conclusion)

Include at least 3 pieces of data to back up your problem and solution. Explain where the data came from (the expert or research organization that found it out).

Use correct spelling, punctuation and formatting. Use an academic font.

When students have finished their draft, they should review the rubric and then also review the resources  in the Editorial Letter Writing Preparation Packet


  • Plastic Action Research Notes – due last week
  • Plastics Letter Brainstorm due by end of day Monday
  • Complete Draft of Letter due by the start of class Thursday for Core A and D and Friday for Core B and C
  • Final letter due by the end of the day Friday.

Monday: Letter Writing Intro

Today students begin their letter drafts for their Research Action Project focused on plastic.  Here is a review of the assignment:

Project Overview: Research how the chemical and physical properties of plastic have negatively impacted human health or the environment and design a solution to address this in your community. Write a letter to a person, group of people or organization in a position of power convincing them to take action on your solution. Your final letter should be between 300 and 500 words. Complete in Google Classroom.

Students will need to use these resources to prepare for their letter writing:


  • Plastic Action Research Notes – due last week
  • Plastics Letter Brainstorm due by end of day Monday
  • Complete Draft of Letter due by the start of class Thursday for Core A and D and Friday for Core B and C
  • Final letter due by the end of the day Friday.

Tuesday- Friday: Plastics Research


Students will spend the next few day researching how the chemical and physical properties of plastic have negatively impacted human health or the environment and design a solution to address this in their community. Next week, students will use this research to write a letter to a person, group of people or organization in a position of power convincing them to take action on your solution. The final letter should be between 300 and 500 words. The research note catcher, rubric and brainstorming resources are all posted in Google Classroom.

Videos we watched as a class:

Here are some recommended links for research:

Ideas for Solutions:


  • Complete Plastics Research Notecatcher by end of the week with at least 4 different sources and 9+ pieces of research
  • Retake of Properties of Matter Assessment is available to students during SLT on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Monday: What is Plastic?

Today students are starting a research action project focused on how the chemical and physical properties of plastic are impacting humans and the environment.  Students will need to research a specific problem and design their own solution which they will share in a letter to a person, group or people or organization.  Students will have the choice of whether or not to actually send the letter.  Here are the resources from class today:

Image result for plastic examples


Friday: Assessment

Today students have their assessment covering properties of matter.  Students earning less than a 3 should plan to retake the assessment during SLT next week.  See Ms Lea for help reviewing material during SLT or after school on Monday.

Monday & Tuesday: Phases of Matter

Today students are focusing on phases of matter and how energy changes as matter goes through each phase.  The resources from class can be found here:

When students finish, they should check out these other links:

Plasma Links:

Image result for phases of matter