Monday- Friday: MEA Week

This week students are taking their annual math and science MEAs.  Students will still have regular classes, but on a reduced schedule.  Due to the demands of testing and the limited availability of technology for students this week, students will not have assignments they will need to complete outside of class.  We will resume our ongoing study of gravity, forces and motion next week.

Have a great testing week!

Thursday: Free Fall Tower

Students continue to learn about the physics of falling objects by using the online simulation “Free Fall Tower.”

Image result for gizmo free fall tower


  • Gravity Webquest due Friday (except for Core A)
  • Free Fall Tower Paper due Friday (except Core A)
  • Students who have not turned in the Snow Tubing Investigation Report are expected to stay after school today

Tuesday – Work Day

Students are completing their Snow Tube Investigation Report and making any final revisions before turning it in tomorrow.  In addition, students have work time to finish their Gravity Webquest and any other science work


  • Snow Tube Investigation Report due Wednesday, March 20 (students missing it are expected to stay after Thursday
  • Core B, C, D – Gravity Webquest due Friday at the start of class
  • Core A – Quiz on Thursday
  • Core A – Sled Wars due by the end of the week

Monday: Gravity Webquest

I am out today, but students should have everything they need for class using these links and the handout.

Core A – Please work on the Sled Gizmo and complete the class handout

Core B, C, and D: Students will have a self-directed study about gravity today.  Use the links below to complete the papers from class:

Image result for galileo pisa drop


  • All missing science work needs to be turned in by Tuesday, March 19
  • Snow Tube Investigation Report due Wednesday, March 20
  • Gravity Webquest and Sled Wars (Core A) due by the end of the week

Tuesday – Friday: Snow Tubing Investigation

Students had an amazing day running their investigations at Seacoast Fun Park.  Following the trip, students are spending the week working on their investigation reports.  The complete assignment has been sent to students in Google Classroom.  Students will need to use handouts from class to help them calculate their data, make digital graphs and analyze their findings.


  • All missing science work needs to be turned in by Tuesday, March 19
  • Snow Tube Investigation Report due Wednesday, March 20

Friday: Quiz and Crash Force

Today students have a quiz reviewing what they have learned about Force and Motion.  Following the quiz, students are watching a mythbusters clip testing the force of car crashes.  Details for both assignments are in google classroom.  Students that missed class due to NAEP testing should plan to take the quiz next week during SLT.

Note: Core A does not meet on Fridays and will take the quiz in two weeks.


Thursday: Snow Tubing Force and Motion Investigation Planning Day

Next Tuesday, students will be headed to Seacoast Family Fun Park to investigate this question:

Does linking multiple riders together change the speed the snow tubes go down the hill?

Students need will be writing an analysis of their finding as an assessment for two of our science standards: Scientific Investigation and Force and Motion

Today, students will need to plan their investigation.  Any students that missed class have been assigned an investigation group and will need to meet with them before the trip to review the plan and complete their planning document.

Materials from class can be found here: Snow Tube Investigation Planning Day


  • Any students missing science work from last week are expected to stay after school on Thursday to get caught up.
  • Snow Tube Investigation Document (in Google Classroom) turned in by end of day Thursday
  • Notes Sheet: The Science of Dog Sledding  due by the end of the week

Tuesday: The Iditarod

On Saturday the 2019 Iditarod race began in Alaska.  Today students will be checking in on how the race is going and learning about how the science of force and motion relate to dog sledding.  Links from class can be found here:

Iditarod Articles (student should choose one):

Additional Links:

Image result for 2019 iditarod



  • Notes Sheet: The Science of Dog Sledding  due by the end of the week
  • Sled Wars Gizmo note sheet (from last week) due Wednesday
  • Any students missing science work from last week are expected to stay after school on Thursday to get caught up.